in the company of mr. Melody

the name's luq. i'm 17. music is my love. talking is a waste of breath. dun like it? buzz off

Thursday, June 15, 2006

My shattered dreams and broken heart,
Are mending on the shelves,
I saw you holding hands and standing close to someone else,
Now i sit her all alone,
Wishing all my feelings were gone,
I gave my best to you,
Nothing for me to do but have One Last Cry
One Last Cry before i leave it all behind,
I gotta put you outta my mind this time,
Stop living a lie,
I guess i'm down
To my last cry
AWWWWW, I'm in love with that song la. There's no hidden meaning to it though. Everything's going smoothly. =)
Anyhoo, went to the shizzle pizzle AGAIN this time for Floorball vid-watching. First, it was the previous year's IVP guys matches. Proceeded to the women's matches and then to Div1 final match in PESTA SUKAN.
Selections for Div2 tournament. I'm not entirely sure if I want to participate. My reasons: I don't think I am up to standard to play for the team and IF I were to participate but play substandardly, the better players might just get ticked off and just explode(enranged and effed up)
Joining the team on the other hand would give me exposure
HADY MIRZA GOT IN!! He's certainly my favourite this season. D***ed judge told him on national teevee his performance could be found at any lounge. I mean that's such a terrific way to break a person's spirit la and that could have possibly affected the votes. But my fren told me he knows this Mirza dude so yeah that's cool.
Oh yeah, I'm leaving for Langkawi tmr. For those who ain't got no clue where that is. Don't ask me. I'm clueless balls bout it too.
All I know is that it's way farther from SG compared to KL. HEH? re-phrase: it's than KL to SG.
I'm really hoping that I get to eat tons of seafood there. Sambal stingray, crabs and all that jazz. The flipside to it is that the journey there would take a whole fudging night. That means I have to sleep the night away IN THE BUS! Bless my ass with enough flesh just so that I can withstand it.
OH NO. I'm complaining again.
ENGRAND MATCH LATER, I am so uninterested. Mr.Crouch please stop being such a disappointment. Utilize your fudging height.
I mean he was entertaining but the vocals weren't there. It's no unimpressive.
Geek in the Pink my ass!
laters dudes~


Blogger sYa sYa said...

EH ! Mas also going langkawi tmr ! HAHHAA..

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but joakim's cute. HAHAHA. but yes, jason m. sings so so so much better lah.

10:10 PM  

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