that was some of the pix taken during the langkawi trip. How should I describe the place. hmm, try fly infested. No, try winged bugs infested. You can see the bug zapper things. You know the neon lights thingy to attract bugs, and when bugs land on the thing they get zapped. The bzzzzt sound can be easily heard. So noisy! And it's mostly found in restaurants. I mean DUH! Haha. And there was this little dude who kept singing and talking. for eg. 'pergi rumah bapak kau' (go to your father's house) or 'ni rumah datuk kau'(this is your grandfather's place) haha. hilarious little dude. I didn't get his picture though. Oh yeah, we got to this toilet break destination which had a water fountain feature and he went like 'WATER!!!! SWIMMING!!' haha. ultimate cuteness.
Yeap that's all that can be said about langkawi. Fly infested and very laid back. Can u say boring!?
the dark knight is sending me songs now. thanks dude!
oh yeah i owe thanks to the Bernie BERNS! for sending me that file =) kinder bueno for you!!
short one today. gotta run
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