in the company of mr. Melody

the name's luq. i'm 17. music is my love. talking is a waste of breath. dun like it? buzz off

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

ok, tonight i have been going looney tunes. reason:
  1. msn screwed up on me, got me real pissed.
  2. talked to fren i was refering to on previous entry, got me in deep thought
  3. did some web browsing, got me pissed again
  4. watched some r&b music vids, in awe
  5. msged =), happy
  6. and now im thinking, HMMM it really IS TRUE

trust is a big thing. apparently, it didn't exist.


mr brown just cracks me up. check out his EMO song!


tonight, my predictions were proven right. my conscience is clear.
here's a hint: coffee, friend


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so faz get new gurl arh. . .

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what matters most is that you are happy.u have every right to be happy..waiting for more good news..hahaha..take care! =)

~from you know who

12:24 AM  

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