in the company of mr. Melody

the name's luq. i'm 17. music is my love. talking is a waste of breath. dun like it? buzz off

Sunday, December 31, 2006

it's been over 3 months since i updated this pretty dead blog of mine

the previous entry of mine was just during this period of serendipity. yeah, so during the past 3 months all i've done is distanced myself from the people ard me.

i dont really feel like having friends anymore when all they do is be a letdown and screw up your mind. yes, luq is weak, cant even keep up with my own gym regime.

what the fuck?

sometimes i really feel like just quitting school. sheer boredom just dominates. the motivation to continue with studying is just not present. let alone all the shit that i had to go through.

fuck who needs those people anyways.

so all i want to do for this year is to just go about minding my own business and try to limit my contact with the rest of the world. it might sound psychotic. but who gives a shit. nobody i know of does? so why start now.

perhaps its just an emo phase that im going throught right now. i dont know. i dont want to know. and it is better that i do not know. whatever it is, this little site of mine will be a place for me to store whatever lyrics or poems or anything of the sort and also a place for me to vent.

and right now, that is what i would do.

i want to be all on my own.

leave me alone.

in other words, fuck off

have a nice day


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