in the company of mr. Melody

the name's luq. i'm 17. music is my love. talking is a waste of breath. dun like it? buzz off

Friday, June 23, 2006

Many world cup matches will be played later.
2are currently being played right now.
Spain will most probably go through.
Couldn't really care much about these 2 groups.

Made a silent comeback to DotA today. Played rather disappointingly, I mean what else can I expect. I haven't played properly in over 6 months. Wasn't as disappointed as I could have been IF I hadn't quit so abruptly. Just to make it clear, I shall only dota out of leisure. That shall be the only (AND I DO MEAN IT) reason to play.

I refuse to let it take hold of my life like it did the last time. At most it'll be a controlled addiction. Perhaps not to the extent of daily gaming, maybe just up to several hours a week. That should suffice the gaming hunger which was screaming out to me today.

My insatiable hunger was satisfied.

Somehow I feel guilty about playin. Main reason, I tried so hard to never touch that game. EVER but I was weak. I didn't have the strength to fight the temptations, DotA called out to me and I couldn't refuse. I am weak. I answered the calling.

When there's no one else,
look inside yourself,
like your oldest friend,
just trust the voice within.
I'll listen to aguilera for the time being. I shall trust my inner voice, and DotA in private. Training lonesomely. And makin an explosive official re-entering into the DotA world. That way, I can improve before getting into the action.
I shall drown in worries in this entry,
Poly life is starting to get really hectic. Presentations coming really soon, projects deadlines are looming all this only in Sem1. There's IDEAS to complete which is a b*tch of a subject. AND THEN SEM TESTS ARE COMING. I can seriously feel the stress just skyrocketing. Gonna have pimple breakouts.
I'll be takin 2new subjects next Sem(FOM and CD). Will also be taking up an elective. So that means an additional module. (FOM/CD swaps with OB/IDEAS).

So let's see, 2nd week: IDEAS presentation and iTab exam.
following that, 4 or 5th week: IDEAS final presentation.
oh the joy of holidays. I will seriously be lookin forward to the following holiday. Sem BREAK. You all know what that means? Almost 2 FUDGING MONTHS OF HOLIDAYS DAMMIT!!
But i'm pretty sure that sem break will be overloaded with projects too and online assignments. Oh god~
Looking back, Sec sch seems tonnes and loads easier. The only consolation I get from poly life, terrific classmates and no sch uniform. GREAT!
Today I indulged in Secret Recipe cakes, i.e Mango cake and Oreo cheesecake. The oreo cake was super rich. Creamy and cookie-full. Right consistency and perfect balance of cheesy taste paired with sweetness.
I swear I'm gettin fat.
Here is a picture of the amount of chocolates available at the Mr.Melody's place come over to try some out.
are you already drooling?


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